Aerial photograph of Lake Anne Village as seen from the west. Visible in this photograph are: Lake Anne and Washington Plaza, Heron House, Waterview and Hickory town home clusters, Baron Cameron Avenue, and North Shore and Fairway Drives.
Aerial photograph of Lake Anne Village, approximately 1965. This view is from the west looking east with Lake Anne, Lake Anne Plaza and the Heron House apartment tower in the center of the image.
Aerial photograph showing the Riding Center in Hunters Woods Village, Reston, Virginia. The stables can be seen at the bottom center of the image while the riding ring/polo ground is at the top center.
An illustrated pamphlet describing the location, amenities, and physical characteristics of Reston, Virginia. Describes recreational amenities, architecture, schools, community centers, churches, shopping, and other highlights. 12 pages.
Aerial photograph of Block Three of the Hickory Cluster town houses designed by Charles M. Goodman. In this image the elaborate garage system can be seen.
Program for the dedication of the Reston Community Center, May 20, 1979. Program contains information about the ceremony-related events, a floor plan of the center, lists of board members and sponsors. 10 pages.
Aerial photograph showing the initial build-out of Issac Newton Square and the rest of the Reston industrial area as seen from the northeast. The Dulles Access Road and Washington & Old Dominion Railroad can be seen along the left side of the…
Letter from Robert C. Weaver of the Housing and Home Finance Agency, Washington, D.C. of December 26, 1962 to Robert E. Simon, Jr. In the letter Weaver expresses his interest in the Reston project and his agency's willingness to assist when Simon…